Over Come Addictions Law of Attraction Special

Law of Attraction Secrets show

Summary: This is your chance to change your life forever.  Addictions and negaive behavior hold us back.  They keep us from living the life we really want to have.  They destroy relationships, income, and health.  Angela V  was a client of Robert Zink and Miracle Mentoring.  She took a very different path than the path she was on.  Her old path led to drugs, booze and a life of living on th edge.  Now she is a writer and Mentor with people that have special addictions to meth or other addictive drugs.  The power of the Law of Attraction and has the power to improve your life and Angela will share her personal story and how Miracle Mentoring helped her.  She is also now an advanced member of Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn and is advancing her personal studies.  Listen to this podcast and change your life.