78: Psilohuasca

In A Perfect World show

Summary: Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews a legal psilocybin shamanic facilitator from the Netherlands, Olli, where the mushroom sclerotia ('Philosopher Stones') are a legal thing to possess and ingest. Olli has been working with mushrooms for over 20 years, and here we discuss potentiating them with a MAO-inhibitor, just like ayahausca does in its brew, and the benefits of 'psilohuacsa'. We examine the issues around both ayahuasca and its resource management and the advantages of locally-sourced entheogens in native settings, and the role of the magic mushroom as a global sacrament for healing and enlightenment. The role of neo-shamans like Olli in the West using entheogenic sacraments is explored, and the history of mushroom use in Europe. Moreover, Olli discusses the heart-opening, ego-dissolving experience of high dose psilocybin to bring us back into unity consciousness and the need for such remembrances in today's world. For more info see http://www.psilohuasca.com This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.