Isaiah’s End

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Summary: The book of Isaiah ends in extremes.<br><br> On one hand, we read prophecies of a new heavens and a new earth that reach unparalleled prophetic peaks of hope and promise (66:22-23).<br> On the other hand, we are invited to look at corpses consumed by undying maggots and unquenchable fire (66:24).<br> In some ways, it seems a rather shocking conclusion to such a grand, sweeping book of inspired Hebrew poetry. What sense can we make of this seemingly distant vision of renewal and the frighteningly dark word of doom?Perhaps more importantly, what do these words have to do with how we live today?<br> <br> DOWNLOADS<br> SEE IT // BE IT<br> (WEEKLY COMMUNITY GROUP DISCUSSION GUIDE)<br> Title: Isaiah’s End // Scripture: Isaiah 65-66<br> ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.<br> SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes<br><br> The book of Isaiah ends in extremes. On one hand, we read prophecies of new heavens and a new earth that reach unparalleled prophetic peaks of hope and promise (66:22–23). On the other hand, we are invited to look at corpses consumed by undying maggots and unquenchable fire (66:24). In some ways, it seems a rather shocking conclusion to such a grand, sweeping book of inspired Hebrew poetry. What sense can we make of this seemingly distant vision of renewal and the frighteningly dark word of doom? Perhaps more importantly, what do these words have to do with how we live today?<br> THE MAIN THOUGHT keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.<br><br> Keeping God’s end in mind shapes how I live today.<br> SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes<br><br> Picture (What is the story saying?): What does “clothe yourselves in Christ” mean? What will remain in the NEW? (66:18–23; 65:17–25) In the NEW heaven and earth, what are some of the NOs that follow? (66:24; 65:1–16, 66:1–16; cf. Mark 9:42–48) Once we have a clear picture of what is coming, how does it help us live in the NOW with impact? (66:22)<br> Mirror (Where am I in the story?): What does it look like for me to dress for where I’m going? How do I avoid getting caught up in the NO of judgment?<br> Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): What impact will it have on those around me if I embrace a worshipful lifestyle?<br> BE IT – Practice Which of these areas is God speaking to you about this week?<br><br> Change UP // Exercise 5 minutes<br><br> Sit in silence for one minute. In the silence, say YES to the forgiveness of Jesus and also to a future with Him. Ask God to give you words and pictures to indicate the work He wants to do in you, breaking into the old earth with the new.<br> Change IN // Group Activity 15 minutes<br><br> What would it look like to say YES to God’s way, every day, turning to trust Him in every way? Discuss this idea together, finding ways to help each other embrace a worshipful lifestyle.<br> Change OUT // Life Application Assignment 10 minutes<br><br> alk about the values of the new age. What actions can you take this week, investing in what impacts eternity?<br> CLOSING PRAYER 5 minutes<br><br> Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.<br>