18. How to start LIFE ON PURPOSE (values, vision, goals), styling an outfit, the enneagram replay.

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Summary: Routine decluttering, get started with your life on purpose, styling an outfit, the enneagram workbook bonuses <br> <br> <br> ++ recently decluttered ++<br> The initial decluttering of our house five years ago was sure dramatic. Now we are in the routine cleaning of places (decluttering, putting things back to their proper homes, recycling broken and useless stuff) It is important because it helps us maintain the hard work we put in. It also helps reacquaint ourselves with our things and take an inventory of what we do have. <br> PHOTOS INCLUDED IN THE SIMPLE SATURDAYS EMAIL - to join in the email, subscribe at the bottom of this page. <br> My medicine cabinet. There were expired ones and ones I didn’t really use that I am returning to the pharmacist for disposal. There were also things that didn’t belong in the cupboard (spices, candy stashes, etc.) <br> <br> My closet. I’m obviously not here to impress you with the most Pinterest-worthy closet. I store clothes to let go of in the closet (purging as I get dressed in the mornings), as well as all the laundry baskets and apparently a broken guitar…...So I needed to clear out the mess on the floor. <br> <br> The kitchen shelf. This shelf in the kitchen becomes this weird holding pen for random items (much like our bedroom dresser). It is so easy to spend 10 minutes here taking things away that don’t belong and putting them in their right home.<br> <br>  <br> ++ simple life ++<br> This past week I hosted my first online workshop called KNOWING YOUR VISION AND VALUES. This is based on the Life on Purpose workbook. It is, in my opinion, the first step in living your life on purpose.<br> <br> Life on Purpose is what I have been digging into for the past five years and I have found that SETTING GOALS will not be enough. If you want to really live your life on purpose, you need to start with your vision and values.  Then you can set goals that have longevity and effectiveness and are naturally motivating. <br> <br> You can access the workshop replay right here:<br> [convertkit form=1002085]<br>  <br> <br> IF YOU BOUGHT A LIFE ON PURPOSE WORKBOOK and you haven’t cracked it open yet - this workshop will help you put a pen to paper in that workbook. You can follow along the workshop using the workbook or the FREE WORKSHEETS provided to you. <br> <br>  <br> ++ simple style ++<br> Fashion was something that was daunting to me. Then when I had my second baby, I found myself spending a lot of midnight nursing session scrolling Pinterest. I was pinning cute outfits, reading fashion blogs, just enjoying the virtual experience.<br> <br> So, I started to get dressed each day. I started doing the <br> <br> I started to try new things and I found that I was enjoying it. Maybe at the time it felt like the one thing I could possibly control and enjoy in my rocky life.<br> #moms30for30 (<a href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/tag/moms30for30/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">blog posts</a>) (<a href="https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/moms30for30/?hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">instagram hashtag</a>)<br> <a href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/style-for-the-reluctant-mom/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Style for the Reluctant Mom</a> series<br> Wearing Clothes vs Wearing an Outfit (<a href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/style-fashion-tips-moms/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">read the post here</a>)<br>  <br> ++ simple heart ++<br> The Enneagram isn’t about personality, it is about the story we tell ourselves, and our motives, and how we navigate the world because of these two things.<br> <br> There are nine Enneagram types and knowing your type can give you so much insight into yourself - your stress habits and your strengths.