Lies Parents Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free: Part 2 (Podcast 59)

The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

Summary: "You aren't qualified to teach your children.  Only a professional can do that" Today I'm sharing the lie that every homeschooling parent is constantly facing and confronting it with the TRUTH of God's heart toward education and most importantly, His heart toward us as homeschooling parents. Our daughter once said, "Common sense isn't so common anymore".  She was right. It's time for we as parents to return to the wisdom found in God's word and His gift of common sense.  With that in mind, I'm also addressing a hot topic and apply some common sense to it as an example. I usually avoid controversial topics, but the reality is that the decisions we used to be able to freely make as parents have become charged with agendas, hate, and contempt for opposing views.   Because of this I found myself strongly compelled to use an example to encourage you as parents to think for yourselves and do NOT do ANYTHING from a place a fear. Instead, find your footing on the strong rock of Jesus and HIS leading in you and your family's lives. Scriptures mentioned: Luke 6:39,40 Matthew 11:38-40 (MSG) Deut. 6:6-9 Proverbs 3:5-8 Check out my books on Amazon: The Unhurried Homeschooler, a simple, mercifully short book on homeschooling and Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart-devotional for moms