The Low Carb Approach - Reversing Type II Diabetes with Dr. David Unwin

Enduring Health show

Summary: Diabetes is a global epidemic. The number has been increasing, and the age group has been getting younger each year.  So, in this episode of the Enduring Health Podcast, Dr Shan Hussain talks to Dr David Unwin about another way to help treat type II diabetes – the low carb diet. Dr David Unwin has been working with patients with type II diabetes for many years. For so long, he’d prescribed medications alongside additional insulin. However, he thought that there should be other ways on how to reverse this disease and help patients improve their everyday lives. Thus, he introduced the low carb approach to his type II diabetes patients. Discover today how the low carb diet can drastically improve a patient’s health. KEY TAKEAWAYS In 2012, Dr Unwin had to call in a patient who stopped taking her prescription (Metformin). But instead of worry, it was astonishment that he felt when he saw his patient. She was fitter and more energetic. Moreover, according to the blood results, her type II diabetes went into remission. He started learning about the low carb diet through reading books and joining communities. Then, he started building a group that he could help reverse type II diabetes through the low-carb diet. He saw great results from the participants, and so he continued learning week-by-week with them. o His partners were sceptical about his initiative at first, so he started collecting data to find and prove to his partners how effective it is. But when they saw results, they startedconsidering the low carb diet.  Low Carb Diet benefits: o Improvements in liver function. o Losing extra weight and getting fit. o Controlling blood pressure. o Improvements in joint pains. o Improvements in skin conditions  Last January, Dr Unwin’s practice returned almost £57,000 from their prescribing budget to NHS. Because of the low carb diet, they are now spending less every year on drugs for diabetes. According to Dr Unwin, there is evidence that linked insulin to high blood pressure. Insulin causes the body to retain sodium in the kidneys. High carb diets lead to high insulinlevels, causing the body holds on to salt, which can lead to high blood pressure. Glycaemic Index is the relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods with glucose, which is 100 in the scale. o “The different carbohydrates in foods vary in how much sugar they’re digested down into.” Starchy foods are concentrated sugars. Do we need carbs in our diet? According to Dr Unwin, we don’t need carbohydrates. We do need sugar, but we can make sugar out of fats and proteins.  GRIN by Dr Jen Unwin o Goals – What are you hoping to achieve? What would it mean for you? o Resources - You have experience and resources, what are they? How could they help? o Increments - What would be the first small step you could take to move towards your goal? o Noticing - Do you notice what works for you? BEST MOMENTS “I wanted to be a doctor that makes a difference.” “I was dismissive of patients’ ability to cure themselves. I didn’t know they were interested. I saw them as passive recipients of my cleverness, and yet it wasn’t working. But this lady [her patient] … wow. What really got me were the stories of how they were really cured. It was worrying, and I thought these people need help.” “Insulin pushes sugars into cells.” “The important thing is to give them support with their choices and relevant information so they can understand how to help themselves.” “We keep using drugs for things, while we haven’t sorted out the cause.” “Before there were any drugs for diabetes, there was no other way to handle type II diabetes other than restricting carbohydrates.” VALUABLE RESOURCES Escape the Diet Trap by Dr John Briffa Public Health Collaboration Conference 2019 | May 11-12, 2019 | Royal College of General Practitioners, London Useful Infographics: Common Foods - Sugar Equivalent Infographic Fruits - Sugar Equivalent Infographic Cereals - Sugar Equivalent Infographic Sugar Burden Infographic Bread - Sugar Equivalent Infographic Common Breakfast - Sugar Equivalent Infographic Vegetables vs Fruit - Sugar Equivalent Infographic ABOUT THE GUEST Dr David Unwin is an award-winning GP for the National Health Service and an advocate of the low carb diet. Over the last six years, his approach has helped patients reverse type II diabetes and many associated conditions through simple dietary changes and support. David holds several notable positions, including National Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning in Obesity & Diabetes for the RCGP. He is also an ambassador for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Diabetes, senior medical advisor for and founder member of The Public Health Collaboration. He works primarily as a GP partner at the Norwood Surgery in Southport near Liverpool, UK. Find out more about the Public Health Collaboration Event in London, May 2019. Find out more about Real Food Rocksin Ambleside, Cumbria, July 2019. Follow Dr David Unwin’s course on DietDoctor. Follow Dr David Unwin on Twitter. ABOUT THE HOST Dr Shan Hussain is an author, general practitioner, health coach, wellness advisor and ambassador to the World Health Innovation Summit. As Founder of The Health Studio and a medical doctor of 18 years, he has a special interest in health promotion and disease prevention. He works with individuals and organisations to help naturally improve health in a sustainable, holistic manner. Dr Hussain has developed several coaching and mentorship programmes designed to help reverse the symptoms of many stress-related health problems. His best-selling book, 'The Big Prescription' serves as a guide for readers to learn about evidence-based holistic health practices that create the foundation of his work. CONTACT METHOD Dr Shan Hussain Connect with Dr Shan Hussain through his website at If you would like to support our Podcast, please visit our Patreon page at Support the show: See for privacy information.