EthHub Weekly Recap #58: EthHub community forum, EIP-1559 progress, EY Nightfall, ConsenSys raising money, Eth 2.0 rewards, ENS upgrading, Dharma ReFi w/ DeFi, Maker stability and Eth 1.x help

Into the Ether show

Summary: <p class="p1">On the EthHub Weekly Recap we cover topics from theĀ <a href=""><span class="s1">EthHub Weekly Newsletter</span></a>. In this episode we discuss the upcoming Ethereal Hackathon, the EthHub community forum launch and upcoming call, EIP-1559 progress in Berlin, big news about EY Nightfall, ConsenSys looking to raise $200mn, proposed Eth 2.0 validator reward increases, ENS upgrading and will they help fund grants, Dharm's ReFi with DeFi movement, Dai stability fee goes</p>