EP 04 - Why You Need to Tell Your Conscious Mind to Take a Hike & Literally, Save Your Own Sanity


Summary: In Episode 04 of The Mompreneur Mastermind Show, I'll be sharing 'Why You Need to Tell Your Conscious Mind to Take a Hike & Literally, Save Your Own Sanity'. Specifically, I'll be teaching ya how to set your conscious mind aside so you can tap into that glorious subconscious mind and RE-WIRE THAT ISH! Plus, how to get into a deep state of relaxation when traditional meditation may not be your jam. I'll be walking you through some methods and... I'll even be hypnotizing you on the show! Muahaha, I'm just kidding. Or am I?   I hope you enjoy. Love and light, Stef . . . If you find value in today's episode, please take a minute and drop me a review on iTunes. I truly appreciate each of you. Hearing from my community lights my soul on fire! Pre-registration for the 2019 spring session of Passionately Profitable is officially open! Six weeks to transformative growth in your life, purpose, passions and profits. There are 30 spots. This course will sell out. Head over and register STAT, sis! (Please note, this group coaching program is included in the Exclusive Holiday Bundle) http://passionatelyprofitable.gr8.com Join the Mompreneur Mastermind Community on FB! bit.ly/successsupportgroup Become a Success with Stefanie Insider & get my favorite guide: 30 Ways to Grow Your Following & Boost Engagement in 30 Days, AND get early access to my weekly podcasts, a 9-page social media strategy PDF, and two masterclasses on sales and attraction marketing!!! https://30growthhacks.gr8.com Learn more and connect with me! stefaniegass.com Interested in sponsoring a show? How about being a guest? Head over here to apply.