The Premium Blend Radio Show feat. Sam Tier - 19.03.19 - #022

The Premium Blend Radio Show  show

Summary: <p>Tune in to hear the wonderful singer songwriter Sam Tier play live for this cheeky live session. With a fist full of stunning tracks, we're in for a treat. He will be playing live at Leaf Hall on the 30th March for BlackRock Music Promotions so catch this warm up session!! </p> <p><br></p> <p>If you love new music too, then this weeks playlist will be music to your ears! We have new tracks form the likes of Dopamine, Matter Of Mind, BAD LAWS, Banshee UK, This Life, Ragmans Daughter, A Wild Frontier, The Young ARCADES, 26th Avenue, Gon von Zola, EDWARD SANSOM, Kian Russell, Deco &amp; Phoebe Coco. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The mix is an all house mix this week from DJ Parry and its one sweet mix.  </p> <p><br></p> <p>You can also check out more about the show via the website at</p>