Exactly Enough Time show

Summary: The girl who goes to what she thinks is a postage stamp party and the guy who takes his wife backpacking, so he can scout for deer—both in unexpected ways discover life quests, passions, interests that will occupy them for years — and those 2 beginning stories just collided 2 weeks ago. When the scrapbooking daughter documented some of her dad’s favorite wildlife stories—including the one where he probably saw a sasquatch. Everybody and everything has a beginning. Women who have given birth love to tell labor and delivery stories—the beginnings of each child. Newlyweds pour over pictures and pick just the right ones to document the beginning of their lives together. We celebrate the beginning of each school year—almost like it’s a holiday. And the beginning of each week, month and year tend to stir a little bit of extra potential in us. What beginning stories could you tell?