Episode 068: Wealth Secrets and False Beliefs

Our Modern Heritage: The Home & Family Culture Podcast show

Summary: Last week, Michael and I loaded up our little family and drove out to Nashville, Tennessee to attend a marketing conference called Funnel Hacking Live. It was an inspirational week! I spent four days immersed in learning about marking, and defining myself as an entrepreneur.<br> <br> The first couple of days were particularly stressful because it's a lot of work to wrangle four little kids in a small vehicle or hotel room for such a long time. Top that with knowing I would be spending twelve- to thirteen-hour days at the conference, and the tension was thick. Those hotel rooms are not sound-proof, and there were zero kids channels on the TV. We, or I should say Michael had to get pretty creative. He did.<br> <br> Michael and the kids ended up having a great time touring the city, and I had a great time focusing on what I felt like I needed to learn. I love going to these kinds of events where you can network with people, learn new skills, and cultivate empowering beliefs. This event was no exception. It all that, plus it felt like I was at a big party the whole time! The MC of the event kept the crowd going. The speakers were enthusiastic and insightful. They brought O.U.R. (Operation Underground Railroad, rescuing children from sex trafficking) out to talk about what they're accomplishing (Click Funnels supports their cause and has donations built into their business model). They showed all the software improvements they are developing within the company. They brought out former cast members of Studio C (now JK! Studios). They had a raffle and gave away all kinds of swag (I picked up three more t-shirts for free!). They concluded the week with an outstanding concert from Lindsey Sterling!<br> <br> But, after all the fun and excitement, I learned a whole lot about how to shape my beliefs around what success looks like for me and my family. So this episode is a rundown of the best-practices I got out of how to be innovative and effective around goals and personal development.<br> <br> Of course, after we got home, I physically crashed. I got a nasty cold and didn't have much of a voice. But, I didn't want the week to pass without posting something, so here it is, even if it is late! I will be back to regularly scheduled programming next week with an amazing guest!<br> <br> Best Practices from FHL 2019<br> <br> The secret to a wealth mindset is this: the wealthy believe that their most valuable asset is time. They don't trade their time for money, they trade their money for more time! They purchase assets rather than liabilities that give them more time. Check out The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!, Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!<br> Education is not only for the sake of knowledge. The main goal of learning is for mastery. Don't worry so much about getting a general knowledge of as many things as you can. True success comes by mastering the skill you need to be proficient.<br> Brendon Burchard came to the conference and discussed his 6 High Performance Habits.High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way. I had never read anything he's created, and didn't really know who he was, but I appreciated his six habits:<br> <br> Seek Clarity<br> Generate Energy<br> Create Necessity<br> Increase Productivity<br> Develop Influence<br> Demonstrate Courage<br> <br> <br> Belief about a situation creates an expectation that is either positive or negative. The situation itself is actually neutral. Our interpretation of it creates a positive or negative expectation. If it is positive, then the belief is based on faith. Negative belief creates fear. When that belief travels to our hearts, it becomes a feeling. Faith turns to anticipation, and fear becomes anxiety. Faith based beliefs lead to anticipation of a desired o...