To Impeach or Not to Impeach?

Politics with Amy Walter show

Summary: <p>Amy Walter talked to Congressman <a href="">Raja Krishnamoorthi</a>, a Democrat from Illinois, who serves on both the Committee On Oversight And Reform and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, he was in both the public Cohen hearing on Wednesday and the closed door hearing on Thursday.</p> <p>Congressman Krishnamoorthi told Amy he does not believe that now is the right time to start impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. He wants to wait until after the Mueller investigation is over. </p> <p><a href="">Yoni Appelbaum</a>, a senior editor at The Atlantic, and the author of their March cover story, IMPEACH, disagrees with Congressman Krishnamoorthi's assessment. He says the legislators saying wait have got it wrong. We speak to journalist Yoni Appelbaum about <a href="">why he thinks</a> it’s time to impeach President Trump. </p> <p>But what about the argument against?</p> <p>For that we turn to <a href="">Don Calloway</a>, a Democratic strategist.</p> <p>Throughout history only two presidents have actually faced impeachment, what can we learn about the circumstances then and how it could impact the decision to impeach President Trump or not? For that we talk to <a href="">Leah Wright Rigueur</a>, an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.</p>