David Katz: Plastic Bank, Win-Win-Win Commerce [audio]

Leadership and Loyalty™   show

Summary: <p><strong>Can we take homeless people and turn them into entrepreneurs…while helping save the planet?</strong></p><p>The shift toward socially responsible organization is changing the way we do business, but does that mean we have to sacrifice profits or can having a a business that puts social responsibility at the forefront become more profitable?</p><p><strong>Well our guest on this episode is David Katz. David has a resume that proves conscious capitalism is not only possible it is The Way moving forward. </strong></p><p><strong><em>"We Have the Opportunity to Choose Who Our Children's Parents Will Be!" </em>~David Katz</strong></p><p>Salt magazine named David as one of the world’s most compassionate entrepreneurs</p><p>He is the recipient of the United Nations Lighthouse award for Planetary Health. </p><p>Recipient of the Paris Climate Conference Sustainia community award.</p><p>A Past President of the Vancouver Chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), and named the Entrepreneur Organizations, Global Citizen. </p><p>David is the founder and CEO of The Plastic Bank, an internationally recognized solution to ocean plastic. </p><p>Global partners include IBM, Shell Energy, Henkel and Marks &amp; Spencer’s. </p><p>His humanitarian work has earned him international recognition. </p><p>David has been featured in hundreds of international news and investigative articles, including Forbes, Time Magazine, Fast Company and National Geographic. David can be found at TED.com, is featured in an award-\winning documentary and starred in an international reality television show. David is a steward of the earth and a champion for the poor.</p><p>In this very intimate episode we sincerely look at:</p><ul> <li><strong>What's undeniable about the fact that we are creating the fastest rate of extinction ever, and how we can change that right now!</strong></li> <li><strong>Why when it comes to cleaning up the oceans...we have it backwards!</strong></li> <li><strong>How to empowering the poor to transcend poverty</strong></li> <li><strong>Why he created a bank for everyone including: the homeless!</strong></li> <li><strong>Why business can be a transcendent experience</strong></li> <li><strong>Why (and how) saving the planet can become bipartisan </strong></li> </ul><p><strong>and much more...</strong></p><p>To find out more about David Katz and Plastic Bank: <a href="http://PlasticBank.com%20" target="_blank">http://PlasticBank.com </a></p><br><p><strong>To find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: </strong><a href="http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting" target="_blank"><strong>http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting</strong></a><strong> or </strong><a href="http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking" target="_blank"><strong>http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking</strong></a></p><p>Remember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcasts</p><p>And on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: </p><p>99.5 FM &amp; 1520 AM Las Vegas</p><p>102.1 FM &amp; 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia</p><p>87.9 FM &amp; 810 AM Macon, Gorgia </p><p>92.1 FM &amp; 1630 AM Tampa, Florida</p><p>97.7 The Villages, Florida</p><p>96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado</p><p>90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin </p><p>94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia</p><p>87.9 FM Colorado Springs, Colorado</p><p>Also look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. </p><p>If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! </p><p>And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. </p><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>