Sound of Play: 185 – The videogame music podcast

The Sound of Play videogame music podcast show

Summary: <br> In this Sound of Play <a href="">Leon Cox</a> is joined by the multi-talented artist and musician Niklas Åkerblad aka <a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href="">@ElHuervo</a><br> What we aim to bring you with Sound of Play is a diverse sample of some of our favourite pieces from the many air-punching, spine-tingling, tear-jerking and grin-inducing videogame soundtracks we've heard over the years.<br><br>  <br> Track listing for this show is as follows:<br> 1. The Setup by El Huervo - Steamworld Dig 2, 2017<br> 2. Main Theme by Ben Houge - Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, 2001<br> 3. Lovers by El Huervo - Kometen, 2010<br> 4.  Flight by Yoshitaka Azuma - Panzer Dragoon, 1995<br> 5. Rebel by El Huervo, 2015<br> 6. Killing Time by Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill, 1999<br> 7. VanDereer by El Huervo, 2016<br> 8. Hydrocity Zone Act 2 by Brad Buxer/Bobby Brooks/Darryl Ross/Geoff Grace/Doug Grigsby III/Scirocco/Michael Jackson - Sonic the Hedgehog 3, 1994<br> 9.  Trust by El Huervo - Else Heart.Break(), 2012<br> 10. The Village of Inoa by K?hei Tanaka/Kevin McClintock - Alundra, 1997<br> Sound of Play 185 was edited by Jay Taylor (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@JaySevenZero</a>)<br> Remember, it’s not just about what we like, so venture over to our forum at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> and put forward your own suggestions so that we might include them in future shows.<br> <br> <br>