Registering Business in New York

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Summary: If you decided to open a new business that will be based in New York you can choose from several options: Sole Owners Sole Proprietorship: Sole owners of New York-based businesses could opt for sole proprietorship as the easiest form of business organization. Not the most recommended, given the liability a sole proprietor assumes as a result of owning a business. No registration with New York State Department of State is necessary, but it is recommended to obtain a Business Certificate (DBA), and if you plan to hire employees then also obtain an EIN. Single Member LLC: Limited liability company, as the name suggests, is an entity that allows its owners to limit the liability of the business to the entity itself, shielding the owners' personal assets. This type of entity is recommended for most small businesses. By default your LLC will be taxed as "disregarded entity", meaning you will file your LLC tax return as part of your personal tax return. Keep in mind though - LLC is a flexible entity, which means you have the option of electing it to be taxed as S-Corp (assuming you are a U.S. person) or C-Corp. Learn more about LLC here, and about the details of forming LLC in New York here. KEEP IN MIND: New York is one of the two states (the other is Illinois) where the cost of forming LLC is significantly higher than cost of forming a corporaiton, especially in the lower portion of the state (greater NYC). The reason for such price difference is the fact that New York requires every domestic and foreign LLC (but not corporaiton) to publish a legal notice of its formation. We have developed a system where LLCs formed (or foreign qualified) by our company can save hundreds of dollars in publication costs, regardless of the county where their office is physically located. You can learn more by clicking the help icon (?) next to the publication item on the NY LLC form. Corporation: You can also form a corporation and be a sole shareholder with 100% of all shares. Corporations have more formalities than LLCs (for example in New York you are required to have bylaws and maintain minutes of meetings in corporate records), but provide similar limited liability protection. That's one of the reasons this entity type is often more suitable for bigger companies, or those who seek major investment. Corporations can be taxed as S-Corp or C-Corp, with each form of taxation having its pros and cons. Keep in mind, you can elect your corporation to be S-Corp only if you, as the sole shareholder, are a U.S. person. Partners General Partnership: Like sole proprietorship, this entity type does not require registration with the New York State Department of State, but it also does not protect the owners from business liability, and therefore is usually not recommended. A General Partnership needs to obtain a Business Certificate (DBA), and obtain an EIN. Multiple Member LLC: like Single Member LLC for sole owner, Multiple Member LLC is often the entity of choice for small and new businesses with more than one partner. Corporation: Since corporation can have many shareholders, and transfering ownership is relatively easy (though share transfer) corporation might be a good choice of entity for business with partners. Keep in mind though - S Corporations are limited to 100 shareholders who must be physical U.S. persons. That means corporations owned (partially or fully) by non-U.S. persons or legal entities, cannot be elected as S-Corp, and therefore subject to double taxation of an C-Corp. In cases like that it would be recommended to consider choosing LLC instead.