Ep. 37 – Stop Pitching Your Product and Have a Conversation Instead!

On The Shelf: How To Get Your Products Into Big Box Retail! show

Summary: This weeks "Start Your Week Wisdom" came from a listener wanting to know what our "One" piece of advice would be for him going into a buyer meeting. After giving it some consideration, as there are many facets that go into a meeting, we decided that, "Keeping the meeting conversational" was the most important. In all your interactions this week with people interested in your product be conversational. Leave the pitch at home and have a conversation. Have a great week!! Don't forget to leave us some feedback....<br> <div> <strong>Love the show?</strong> Subscribe, rate, review, and share!</div><br> <div>·      <a href="http://ontheshelfnow.com/how-to-subscribe-rate-our-podcast-5-stars-on-itunes/" target="_blank">Here’s How »</a> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Join the On The Shelf community today:</strong></div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="http://ontheshelfnow.com/" target="_blank">Ontheshelfnow.com</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/217730312050769/" target="_blank">On The Shelf Now Facebook Group</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ontheshelfnow/" target="_blank">On the Shelf Now Facebook</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://twitter.com/ontheshelfnow" target="_blank">On The Shelf Now Twitter</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.instagram.com/ontheshelfnow/" target="_blank">On the Shelf Now Instagram</a> </div>