Ep. 80 – Grow Your Sales By Acting “As If”!

On The Shelf: How To Get Your Products Into Big Box Retail! show

Summary: Have you ever heard the phrase "Fake it, till you Make it"? I am sure you have. In this episode we are not talking about being fake, however we are talking about changing your mindset. How would your confidence level change if your product was already a success? How different would you be with buyers if you already had over 2 million in sales. The answer is "MUCH DIFFERENT"! If you want to grow your sales and have more confidence give this episode a listen. Acting as if may just be the best way to start out your 2017. Happy Holidays! Don't forget to book your End of Year Session with Tim, Link below: http://www.tlbconsulting.com/plws.html<br> <div> <strong>Love the show?</strong> Subscribe, rate, review, and share!</div><br> <div>·      <a href="http://ontheshelfnow.com/how-to-subscribe-rate-our-podcast-5-stars-on-itunes/" target="_blank">Here’s How »</a> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Join the On The Shelf community today:</strong></div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="http://ontheshelfnow.com/" target="_blank">Ontheshelfnow.com</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/217730312050769/" target="_blank">On The Shelf Now Facebook Group</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ontheshelfnow/" target="_blank">On the Shelf Now Facebook</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://twitter.com/ontheshelfnow" target="_blank">On The Shelf Now Twitter</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.instagram.com/ontheshelfnow/" target="_blank">On the Shelf Now Instagram</a> </div>