Ep. 121 – 4 Common US Retail Misconceptions

On The Shelf: How To Get Your Products Into Big Box Retail! show

Summary: Hey Big Boxers, Great to be back. Today we are getting into some misconceptions when importing products to the US. US retail can be quite different from other markets around the world and it is important to understand these differences if you want to make a successful transition. Please feel free to add to the conversation if you have come across other notable differences. Enjoy the Podcast. Tim<br> <div> <strong>Love the show?</strong> Subscribe, rate, review, and share!</div><br> <div>·      <a href="http://ontheshelfnow.com/how-to-subscribe-rate-our-podcast-5-stars-on-itunes/" target="_blank">Here’s How »</a> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Join the On The Shelf community today:</strong></div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="http://ontheshelfnow.com/" target="_blank">Ontheshelfnow.com</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/217730312050769/" target="_blank">On The Shelf Now Facebook Group</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ontheshelfnow/" target="_blank">On the Shelf Now Facebook</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://twitter.com/ontheshelfnow" target="_blank">On The Shelf Now Twitter</a> </div><br> <div> <strong>·      </strong><a href="https://www.instagram.com/ontheshelfnow/" target="_blank">On the Shelf Now Instagram</a> </div>