Old Yellow Top, or the Pre-Cambrian Shield Man

The Voice before the Void: Arcana, Story, Poetry show

Summary: Apparently, Bigfoots have individuating characteristics and long lifespans. “Bigfoot” does start to sound less like a mythical creature, more like a species of large primate.<br> ⁓The Voice before the Void<br> “Pre Cambrian Shield Man Seen by Two Prospectors”<br> North Bay Nugget, North Bay, Ontario, Canada<br> Cobalt, Ontario, Canada<br> July 27, 1923<br> Mr. J. A. MacAuley and Mr. Lorno Wilson claim they have seen the “Pre-Cambrian shield man” while working on their mining claims North and East of the Wettlaufer Mine, near Cobalt. This is the second time in seventeen years that a hairy ape-like creature nicknamed “Old Yellow-Top” because of a light colored mane has been seen in the district. The two prospectors said they were taking test samples from their claim property when they spotted what looked like a bear picking in a blueberry patch. Mr. Wilson said he threw a stone at the creature. He said, “It kind of stood up and growled at us, then ran away. It sure was like no bear I have ever seen. Its head was kind of yellow and the rest of it was black, like a bear, all covered with hair.” The first report of the creature was made in Sept. 1906, by a group of men building the head frame at the Violet Mine, east of Cobalt. It had not been seen since that time.<br> “Old Yellow Top”<br> Wikipedia<br> Old Yellow Top was reported to be a 7-foot (2-meter) tall Sasquatch-like creature that was sighted several times around the town of Cobalt, Ontario, Canada, during the 20th century. Descriptions of the creature by eyewitnesses closely resembled that of a Sasquatch; however, Old Yellow Top had a blonde patch of hair on its head and a light-coloured mane, which accounted for the creature’s name.<br> Alleged sightings took place over a 64-year period, with the first reported sighting in September 1906, the second in July 1923, and the third in April 1947. The last reported sighting took place on August 4, 1970. Twenty-seven miners in a bus were on their way to work the graveyard shift at Cobalt Lode Mine when the creature walked across the road in front of them, causing the driver to lose control of the bus and nearly plunge down a rock cut.<br>