“A highly successful raid” by R.L. Johnson and The Voice before the Void

The Voice before the Void: Arcana, Story, Poetry show

Summary: The spectacle of that woman’s grief being exploited in the U.S. Capitol embarrassed me and disgusted me; commentators and newsreaders describing it as “moving” amplified my revulsion. The commonplace exaltation of murdered military personnel paired with the commonplace disregard of militarily murdered people remains perpetually disappointing… and embarrassing, and disgusting.<br> -The Voice before the Void<br> “A highly successful raid”<br> <a href="http://randaljohnson.blogspot.com/">R.L. Johnson</a> and The Voice before the Void<br> Children and Ryan Owens fall dying,<br> the dust turning to soft mud in their eyes;<br> amid gunshots and wailing and crying,<br> the Devil alone can claim any prize.<br> The sounds of the battle are but distant,<br> the flashes of light dim and far away;<br> young lives pass into death nonexistent:<br> I read it all in the fake news today.<br> “America First” is clearly the motto<br> as bold leaders call Owens a hero<br> and make a spectacle of his widow,<br> so Americans snack and play the lotto<br> as their soldiers die for ol’ PepsiCo<br> and Yemeni children die for nothing.<br>