So I want a website I want to be on facebook and have a YouTube channel what will that cost.

Pest Geek Podcast  show

Summary: <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-5813"></a><br> So I want a website I want to be on facebook and have a YouTube channel what will that cost.<br> For additional info see our first <a href="">podcast on website developmen</a>t<br> In order to go online, you must have a clear strategy what is it that you want to accomplish.<br> I want a website to give us credibility.<br><br> I want new business from online.<br><br> I want to be able to sell our services online.<br> In order to understand this read the Book 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.<br> This deals with 99% of the BS in order to succeed online you will have to do something’s that you might struggle with.<br> Outsourcing work to India or the Philippines.<br> Is your site a:<br> • Niche Sites<br><br> • Sales Site<br><br> • Authority Site<br> Most online SEO teaching focuses on niche sites or affiliate marketing aka passive income.<br> Very little is actually taught for the brick and mortar or service industry.<br> • Aggressive spamming tactics<br> • Backlinking buying and farming<br> • These products or sites have a short lifespan of 1 to 2 years<br> • Article spinning 300 article in a month farmed out to India or China for pennies an article.<br> How can they be successful<br><br> They find a keyword that has little competition and low ppc cost like 0.13 per click for a product or topic that could be trendy.<br> Build 100 sites selling one product that makes 100 per month each and you have 10,000 per month<br> Now what do you do<br><br> Get a local company to do what<br><br> Set up Google my business account and manage it for $99 month big deal you can do that in 15 minutes and once it’s optimized it runs itself. All you need is reviews to boots it.<br> Don’t create bogus locations with the addresses of friends and families, that is a black hat it’s a house of cards that google will bring down with an algorithm. If you competitors figure it out and report google will knock it down flag you and close your account down.<br>