Ep 9: Talent vs. hard work + finding your calling (with hashtag science)

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: Do you really need talent to succeed creatively? And what about hard work? And how do you make sure you don't spend your life doing something you're not "meant" to do? Learn the role of inspiration + perspiration according to science + also a new free tool to help you discover what truly lights you up, so you can figure out the work you're meant to do in the world + spend the rest of your life doing it! (and no blowing up your current life required!) Mentions: The Love Soaked Family Photography Retreat (seats half full!)http://brookeschultzphotography.com/april-2019-love-soaked-family-photography-retreat-course/ The Creative Curve by Allen Gannett: https://www.amazon.com/Creative-Curve-Develop-Right-Idea-ebook/dp/B075PVQ99T Jonathan Fields' Sparketype Assessment: http://sparketype.com