The Art of the Invitation to Christian Life

Every Knee Shall Bow (Your Catholic Evangelization Podcast) show

Summary: <p>When evangelizing, there comes a moment in time when you will invite someone to completely give their life over to Christ and begin living a Christian life. </p> <p>How do you know what moment is right?</p> <p>What does the invitation look like?</p> <p>Why is an invitation to Christian life so important?</p> <p>Using Scripture, contemporary faith formation tools, and personal experience, Mike and Dave explain the sometimes subtle art of inviting someone to live a fully authentic Christian life. </p> <p><strong>For more information visit <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></strong></p> <p><strong>Snippet from the Show:</strong></p> <p>“If you read the Gospels, you are going to see constantly that the one man who could have demanded, is constantly instead inviting.”</p> <p><strong>Tips on Invitation:</strong><br> 1) Invitation should be gradual<br> 2) Invitation should be compelling but not forceful<br> 3) Invitation should be loving and gentle</p> <p><strong>5 Practical Tips:</strong><br> 1) Create one gathering of friends doing some activity. Invite someone who is on the “outside” of your group to take part.<br> 2) Acts 10:34/43 Peter is preaching the Kerygma. Take it line by line and pray through it.<br> 3) Meet one of your neighbors that you haven’t met yet. <br> 4) Start your own group of intercessors. Ask one person to specifically pray for the people you will encounter and that you and others be open to the Lord’s words.<br> 5) Go to Adoration for thirty minutes and pray for those specific people you will encounter and evangelize.</p> <p><strong>Resources Mentioned:</strong><br> <a href="" rel="nofollow">The Calling of Saint Matthew</a> painting by Caravaggio<br> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Ananias Training</a> from the Catherine of Siena Institute</p>