TTE 32: Getting Your Name to be a Household Name in Your Community Through Free Workshops

The Therapist Experience Podcast by Brighter Vision: Marketing & Business Lessons for Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists & Coaches in Private Practice show

Summary: Working with your local community centers to offer free workshops is how you get your local community to know, like and trust you. Dr. Carleah East has used that as a springboard into building a thriving private practice where she speaks at local events, national events, and hosts online webinars.<br> <br> Dr. Carleah East has built a thriving private practice by actively engaging her community and her niche through speaking engagements.<br> <br> She shares with us how nervous she was during her first speaking event, how she got her first few local events, how she has graduated into national events, and how she is now transitioning into also offering webinars.