Worry – Episode 119

The Recovery Show » Finding serenity through 12 step recovery in Al-Anon – a podcast show

Summary: Do you worry a lot? Is it hard to get your mind off the terrible things that might happen? Or maybe it’s just obsessing on the stuff that is wrong in your life today?<br> <br> Think about a time before program when you were worrying.<br> What were you worrying about?<br> How did worrying affect your life at the time? (Inability to get things done, acid stomach, lack of sleep, etc?)<br> Did you get any resolution of your problem from your worrying?<br> Think about a recent time when you could have worried?<br> Did you worry?<br> How was it different from the time before?<br> How did you use program tools in this situation?<br> Were you able to move out of worrying into some productive resolution?<br> What is worry?<br> How does it differ from preparation?<br> Slogan: “Worry is not preparation”.<br> But also: “Preparation is not worry.”<br> Does “Let Go and Let God” mean we shouldn’t do anything?<br> What slogans and steps help you when you find yourself worrying?<br> What would you say to someone who can’t stop worrying about their loved one who still drinks or drugs?<br> Upcoming topics include laughter, Al-Anon dreams, and Concepts 6 &amp; 7. Please call us at 734-707-8795 or email feedback@therecoveryshow.com with your questions or experience, strength and hope.