A celebration of Dr. Maya Angelou. One guest I wish I had the opportunity to interview.

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: Altovise Pelzer moved to Maryland from Philadelphia, PA. She is a Best-Selling Author, Professional Speaker, Podcaster, VIP Live Streamer, Life Coach and founder of the online Your Voice &amp; Reactivate Me Communities. At her core she is the mom of four, she has been known to break out into impromptu dance parties or karaoke moments with her three girls or watch movies with her son. <br><br>Homelessness and molestation greatly affected Altovise’s decision to motivate women and youth to find their unique voice. She takes women from abuse to applause by equipping them to Define, Accept and Use their Unique Voice as a Speaker or Author. Women after abuse go through numerous self-harming actions that start with a seed of low self-esteem. Through e-courses, live events, books, and social media Altovise want to touch and transform the lives of women globally one woman at a time. <br><br>Connect with Altovise:<br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/findyourvoicenow" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/findyourvoicenow</a> <br><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/findyourvoicenow" rel="noopener">www.linkedin.com/in/findyourvoicenow</a> <br><a href="http://www.instagram.com/findyourvoicenow" rel="noopener">www.instagram.com/findyourvoicenow</a> <br><a href="http://www.altovisepelzer.wordpress.com" rel="noopener">www.altovisepelzer.wordpress.com</a>