Best of: The Inevitable Forces That Will Shape Our Future with Kevin Kelly

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast show

Summary: <p>I truly do believe that this is both the very best time in the history of the universe, as far as we can tell, to make something because the tools for creation have never been more easily gotten, they’ve never been cheaper. They’ve never been better. They’ve never been as diverse. And they truly make things more accessible. So if you want to make something that has been made already like a book, a movie, a song, the tools do that are just about free, which means almost anybody in the world can get their hands on it. And many of these things in previous generations were prohibitively expensive and relegated to the elites. But now you can make a book that looks as good as a best-selling author can make, and you can distribute it, and it costs very little do…We are at a moment right now in terms of what’s ahead of us, that it’s a very rapidly expanding opening. We’re on the cusp of all these very transformative technologies and trends that will produce more stuff and opportunities in the next 50 years than in the past 50 years as much as that’s hard to believe. – Kevin Kelly</p> <p><em>Kevin Kelly is the founding executive editor of Wired Magazine, and author of <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=0525428089&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=wwwunmistakab-20&amp;linkId=5ba7607b3a4a6aafec3e78e79cde492d"><em>The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future</em></a></em></p> <h2>Sponsors</h2> <p>Find your ideal <strong>work‑life balance</strong>. With so many distractions and possibilities in your digital life, it’s easy to get scattered. RescueTime helps you understand your daily habits so you can focus and be more productive. Get started today by simply visiting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> to sign up.</p> <p>I truly do believe that this is both the very best time in the history of the universe, as far as we can tell, to make something because the tools for creation have never been more easily gotten, they’ve never been cheaper. They’ve never been better. They’ve never been as diverse. And they truly make things more accessible. So if you want to make something that has been made already like a book, a movie, a song, the tools do that are just about free, which means almost anybody in the world can get their hands on it. And many of these things in previous generations were prohibitively expensive and relegated to the elites. But now you can make a book that looks as good as a best-selling author can make, and you can distribute it, and it costs very little do…We are at a moment right now in terms of what’s ahead of us, that it’s a very rapidly expanding opening. We’re on the cusp of all these very transformative technologies and trends that will produce more stuff and opportunities in the next 50 years than in the past 50 years as much as that’s hard to believe. – Kevin Kelly</p> <p><em>Kevin Kelly is the founding executive editor of Wired Magazine, and author of <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=0525428089&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=wwwunmistakab-20&amp;linkId=5ba7607b3a4a6aafec3e78e79cde492d"><em>The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future</em></a></em></p> <h2>Sponsors</h2> <p>Find your ideal <strong>work‑life balance</strong>. With so many distractions and possibilities in your digital life, it’s easy to get scattered. RescueTime helps you understand your daily habits so you can focus and be more productive. Get started today by simply visiting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> to sign up.</p>