096 – Did Chris Watts Murder Alone or Have Help?

Psychopath In Your Life show

Summary: You can send Dianne a private message by using the Contact Tab at: https://psychopathinyourlife.com/ Please share the show links on social media. Episode 96 Is Chris Watts a Psychopath – Part ONE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWPuIIq-s94&index=86&list=PLOO1mwkW-p7WttbI8yPE7OsxBVvjD_T1h&t=13s Is Chris Watts a Psychopath Part TWO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2vRSiZfCBU&t=76s&list=PLOO1mwkW-p7WttbI8yPE7OsxBVvjD_T1h&index=88 Watts Murder Victim Blaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn0rceqR40E&t=7s&list=PLOO1mwkW-p7WttbI8yPE7OsxBVvjD_T1h&index=89 Watts Murder and Laci Peterson Murder Monthly or one time […]