#139 Marie Kondo: Is Tidying Up Hurting our Planet?

Live Planted- Practical Vegan Living show

Summary: Marie Kondo, the KonMari, Tidying Up, pop culture queen of decluttering is all about keeping things that spark joy. But where is all that decluttered stuff going? Today we're going to talk about the surge of donations thrift stores are reporting as a result of the Tidying Up craze and the aftermath of all that trash on our planet. I'm going to share some practical tips for consuming less and what I wish Marie Kondo had shared about trash on her show. Fixing the trash crisis is not about the end of the waste cycle- more efficiently recycling etc.- it's the beginning- how we create less trash to begin with that we should be worried about. Find a complete list of everything MENTIONED on the show including Marie's books, a great documentary, and an alternative to ziplock bags: http://liveplanted.com/139-marie-kondo-is-tidying-up-hurting-our-planet/ LP MERCH: www.etsy.com/shop/LivePlanted?r?=l2-shop-info-name ▶ Instagram: www.instagram.com/liveplanted/ ✮Write a review & subscribe in iTunes (preferably a 5✮!) The more reviews, the greater chance someone else will hear the podcast. Or share the podcast with a friend.