S1: 035: The U Turn Podcast - [Perspective(s)] - By Alex Over

The U-Turn Podcast show

Summary: <p>First of all, missed out last Friday! Apologies but all good though as some great progress this end to make up for it ;) with some extra new additions :D (like always) ha! No seriously all good. Excited. More Content.. (Of course)</p> <p>And yes! This is a big subject.... one which will need some extra content to run alongside this as a LOT to be talked about.. happy though with it as it's great strides and is a core point to our behaviours and how we are and to why we are too!</p> <p>It can get super deep if you want to go into this subject yourself, from my own experience I just choose to understand more of my 'so' called perspectives and what I thought it mean't too me, until I looked at the bigger picture all round. Those childhood experiences were creeping up and coming back too me and the impacts of psychodynamic therapy, which really triggered it for sure. Oh wow, literally makes me think left, right and centre when typing this out. </p> <p>As always though, incredible to learn more about and allowing yourself to do so, it is an amazing feeling. I hope this session you gain something out of it!?</p> <p>Have a great week guys, go smash it. Even when it's tough or maybe some 'Perspective' might help :)</p> <p>Socials @alexeover</p> <p>***** P.S - The New - '<strong>Men's Health London Learning and Wellbeing'</strong> Meet Up group in London this week!! First one is Thursday 24th Jan. Link below! ******</p> <p>https://www.meetup.com/Mens-London-Learning-Wellbeing-Meetup/events/258157274/ </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>