The Ups and Downs of Weight Loss with Sandy

The Christian Habits Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Do you ever feel like weight loss is a battle? Not just a one and done but a back and forth lose/gain experience?  On today’s podcast, I visit with Sandy about the ups and downs of weight loss. Here’s a sampling of the topics we’ll be discussing.<br> Topics we’ll be discussing:<br> <br> * cheat days: are they worth it?<br> * fatigue and how that affect dieting<br> * sweets addiction<br> * vacation eating and how to stay the course while on vacation<br> * careless living after losing weight<br> * how God feels about us in the midst of a binge<br> * the importance of renewing<br> <br> We also discuss the following lies:<br> <br> * This is a special treat so I should eat it.<br> * We never get to do this so I should enjoy it.<br> * It won’t hurt. It’s only a little bit.<br> * I’ve already blown it. I might as well keep eating.<br> * I’m on vacation. I’ll get back on track when I get home.<br> * God doesn’t love me when I’m bingeing.<br> <br> 12/28/18 Update from Sandy:<br> I asked Sandy for an update to put on the blog and here’s the email she sent me: Though I have been struggling the last few months, I am not quitting.  God is still working on me and I am making progress internally and I know the external will follow.  When I start with the external/food plan, it isn’t sustainable for long because the root causes are not fixed.  Through a number of things God brings my way, I am slowly working through the spiritual and emotional part of eating, which will yield more permanent results.<br> Thanks for the update, Sandy!<br> How to Listen to the Podcast:<br> <br> * Apple Podcasts:<a href=""> click here</a><br> * Stitcher: <a href="">click here</a><br> * Google Play: <a href="">click here</a><br> <br> Resources we Talked About on This Podcast:<br> <br> * <a href="">I Deserve a Donut weight loss app</a><br> * <a href="">Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study</a><br> * <a href="">Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study</a><br> * <a href="">Renewing of the Mind Project</a><br> * <a href="">Diet Bets</a><br> <br>  <br>