MCU CosmicCast Episode 39 #Avengers4Alexander and Marvel’s Confidence in Captain Marvel

MCU CosmicCast show

Summary: <p>Welcome to the first episode of the MCU CosmicCast in 2019! This week Jeremy alerts everyone to another Marvel fan who may not make it to see <em>Avengers: Endgame</em> and how we can help him. Also, Hugh Jackman is absolutely not in <em>Avengers: Endgame</em> and Marvel is absolutely confident in <em>Captain Marvel</em>.</p> <p>This week’s links:</p> <ul> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">Lets Help a Reddit User With Terminal Cancer See Avengers: Endgame Early! </a></li> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">Ex-Hearthstone Devs Working on a Marvel Game </a></li> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">New Captain Marvel Footage Coming During the College Football National Championship </a></li> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">Spider-Man: Far From Home Fruit Snacks Spotted in the Wild </a></li> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">Far From Home Fruit Snacks May Confirm the European Locations in the Film </a></li> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">Stop. Hugh Jackman is Not in Avengers: Endgame </a></li> <li class="article-title article-title-1"><a href="">About The Myth That Marvel Isn’t Confident in Captain Marvel… </a></li> </ul> <p> <br> Questions? Comments? Contact us at <a href=""></a> and we may answer your question on a future episode!</p> <p><a href="">Subscribe to MCU Cosmic on YouTube!</a></p> <div class="embed-container"></div>