#135 – Dutch Oven Book

Cinema Crespodiso show

Summary: (Right Click Download Link To Save)<br> In episode 135, Chris Crespo starts off the show with a big announcement.<br> Chris and Drewster Cogburn are joined by first time guest Nikki Wilson, who tells us about her new film <a href="https://www.facebook.com/DutchBook" target="_blank">Dutch Book</a>, playing September 5th at the Central Florida Film Festival.<br> Chris and Drew review The Gift and Fantastic Four.<br> Also discussed in this episode:<br> What really happened behind the scenes with Fantastic Four?<br> A new Dungeons &amp; Dragons movie.<br> A Pez movie is happening so what other candies can be made into movies?<br> A Training Day tv series is in the works.<br> Plus a lot more so enjoy the sheningans of it all.<br> <a href="http://chriscrespo.com/category/cinema-crespodiso/" target="_blank">Listen to all back episodes of Cinema Crespodiso for FREE at ChrisCrespo.com</a>!<br> www.twitter.com/IamChrisCrespo<br> www.twitter.com/Crespodiso<br> www.twitter.com/Antihero419<br> www.facebook.com/cinemacrespodiso<br> www.instagram.com/cinemacrespodiso<br> CinemaCrespodiso@gmail.com<br>  <br>