#615 “MIND MGMT” book and record x

Deconstructing Comics show

Summary: <br> Matt Kindt recently <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1266952446/mind-mgmt-comic-book-and-read-along-vinyl-record" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ran a Kickstarter project</a> to realize his dream of doing an old-school book &amp; record story, set in the MIND MGMT universe, featuring the voice of longtime radio host Clint McElroy. Did someone say “audio comics”? That means it’s time to (finally) bring back voice actor <a href="http://www.hortonsvoice.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Kevin Horton</a> to discuss the book, and Matt’s innovative use of the book &amp; record mixed media experience.<br>