#168: CSS-in-JS

CSS-Tricks Screencasts show

Summary: <p>I'm joined by <a href="https://dustinschau.com/">Dustin Schau</a> in this video and he is going to take me on a tour of the world of what has come to be known as CSS-in-JS. That is, doing your styling entirely in JavaScript, rather than in <code>.css</code> files that you <code>&lt;link /&gt;</code> up in the head all on your own. </p> <p>Dustin is a perfect guide for this, as he created a great exploratory tool called <a href="https://www.cssinjsplayground.com/">CSS in JS Playground</a> and also has <a href="https://www.manning.com/livevideo/css-in-javascript-with-styled-components-and-react">a brand new </a>… <a href="https://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/168-css-in-js/" class="read-more">Read article</a></p>