Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Summary: It strikes me that we have become a nation of moaners....especially the older go on Facebook and there they are with the grumbles and outrage about politicians and the way the country is run.....yet no-one does anything about it.....the easiest thing in the world is to criticise .....if you can do better get off you backside and get on with it.....and we seem to be stuck in the past....we keep harping back to the good old days with endless programmes on The Beatles etc....with old guys forming bands and going out with their shades and cowboy hats....and playing for nothing....very strange....coupled with this we have the P.C. brigade...the feminists...and the easily offended telling us what we can and can't say or do...there's only a handful of them so why not just sweep them aside and ignore them?....I certainly do. I watched The Greatest Showman over Xmas....a great film which I thoroughly enjoyed....great songs....also unfortunately Mary Poppins was I have always been told I look like Dick Van Dyke (can't see it myself) so my son tells my grandson while they are watching it "There's Granddad"....after which I was bombarded with questions from him about Mary Poppins....which I have never make matters worse the next day Chitty Bang Bang was on.....which I have never I faced a lot more difficult questions about that son found it all hilarious.....the nipper will go back to school and tell all the kids his Granddad is a film star..........why did I have to be Dick Van Dyke?....why couldn't I have been The Fonz? I also watched Michael Macintyre who I quite like but his show is becoming very samey....and he had a comic on who sounded like he'd had a comedy people not know what "funny" is these days?.....the P.C. brigade have seen off the ones who could actually make us laugh.....and I noticed Lee Evans was on one of the channels so I had a look to see if he had improved in any way.....'fraid not.....he was dreadful...and after 5 minutes I couldn't take any more.....yet he was playing to a full stadium which says it's a shame that the younger generation don't know what comedy is as they have never seen any. I watched The Voice the other night and they featured Lonnie Donegan's son (I notice you put this up on Facebook)...he was good but are we expected to believe that Tom Jones didn't know him?.....and the job they made of the song Lonnie wrote for Tom....rehearsed or what......"it was meant to be"........Lonnie would now be 87 so he must have had the lad late......we owe a lot to Lonnie who started us all off with skiffle in the late gave us the ability to play simple Tom Dooley only had two chords...........but the problem with talent shows is they are too contrived for my liking.....we have grannie and the family in the wings ...why?....and they go on and get "judged"......they should put acts on who are good enough and give them TV exposure and let them take it from there...."judging" shouldn't come into it....then they would learn the game. The song this week is called "Worrizit?" and is a jingle I wrote back in the day for Debbie Jones on Radio was a daily competition on her radio programme where the listener would hear a noise and ring in and try and guess what the noise was quite popular at the time.....I have just found this in a drawer in my studio....I haven't heard it for years....sadly it never made the top 20...can't imagine why.....