Episode 023: SJ Barakony: The Importance of Soft Skills to Prepare for the Future

Our Modern Heritage: The Home & Family Culture Podcast show

Summary: SJ is a CMA (Consultant, Mentor, &amp; Advisor), as well as the founder + C.E.O. (Chief Encouragement Officer) of SBSL, an Educational Solutions Provider.<br> <br> He is 41 years old and has been an entrepreneur in the education field for 5 years as of the fall of 2016. His business model includes designing &amp;/or implementing customizable solutions for business owners to address three deep, fundamental problems with the traditional approach to the K-12, college/university, &amp; also graduate tracks of education in America.<br> <br> He is presently involved (or has been actively involved) in the following mentorship and/or advising programs / organizations:<br> <br> YEA ( Young Entrepreneurs Academy )<br> <br> Teen Entrepreneurial Camp<br> <br> AWANA<br> <br> OWU’s EMF ( Econ Mgmt Fellows )<br> <br> Sundown Group’s ‘Ask an Expert’ Program<br> <br> HECOA’s special events ( Sept 2015; April 2016; Sept 2016 )<br> <br> ECDI ‘s Professional Advisory Network (PAN)<br> <br> He is a National Steering Committee member. He serves his alma mater, Ohio Wesleyan (OWU) on the Central Ohio Alumni Leadership Board &amp; is also an active member of a non profit board (ChefVet).<br> <br> His favorite pastimes are traveling; reading ( 220+ paper &amp; audio books in the past six+ years’ time ); listening &amp; watching inspirational content; connecting people who may not otherwise have met in the course of time; and being a futurist/visionary when it comes to organically transforming the education system for the Gig Economy age/era in which we now find ourselves.<br>  <br> <br> Soft skills, including empathy, people skills, emotional intelligence among others, lend to our ability to adapt to new situations, to cope with change, and to innovate.<br> <br> 7 Tips for encouraging soft skills:<br> <br> "Drip approach": small doses, consistency, over a long time frame (six-nine months).<br> Keep a score card.  Anything you want to work on needs to be tracked.<br> Disconnect as much as you can from mass media.  Why?  Listen and find out.<br> Distinguish between leisure-centric, and pleasure-centric activities.<br> Be Accountable.  Build a tribe.<br> Focus on one skill per month per family member.<br> Be aware of what schooling and education are, and aren't. C.A.R.: Compliment,<br> <br> servicebeforeselfleadership.com<br> <br> Mentioned in this episode (contains affiliate links):<br> <br> SJ's presentations on HECOA (membership required)<br> Learn more about what a gig economy and a digital era economy are, and what they mean for the future.<br> <br> Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin<br> <br> Noel Tichy<br> The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win by Noel Tichy<br> <br> Future Shock by Alvin Toffler<br> <br> Trends Journal<br> <br> The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door by Jay Pathak<br> Growing Your Business Can Be As Fun &amp; Easy As Giving Candy To Strangers: Tips for Creating Abundance through Heart-Centered Sales by Stan Holden<br> 8 Attributes of Great Achievers, Vol I, Vol II by Cameron C. Taylor<br> Ten Thousand Horses: How Leaders Harness Raw Potential for Extraordinary Results by John Stahl-Wert<br> How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie<br> <br> How to Have Power and Confidence in Dealing with People by Les Giblin<br> Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink<br> Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change by Kerry Patterson et al.<br> <br> Positive Personality Profiles: D-I-S-C-over Personality Insights to Understand Yourself and Others by Robert Rohm<br> Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself by Florence Littauer<br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>