Tahar Ali: Fail Your Way to Success

Working on Purpose show

Summary: Born in Scotland into a family with very little means, and having lost his parents in his teens, Tahar could have made every excuse in the book to avoid achieving his dreams. His road to success was paved with numerous failures, and now these lessons provide real value to everyone who hears his message. You’ll discover how this success was earned with hard work, determination and the drive to find and seize opportunities while learning from his setbacks.<br><br>This show is broadcast live on Tuesday's 6PM ET on W4CY Radio – (<a href="http://www.w4cy.com" rel="noopener">www.w4cy.com</a>) part of Talk 4 Radio (<a href="http://www.talk4radio.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4radio.com/)</a> on the Talk 4 Media Network (<a href="http://www.talk4media.com/)" rel="noopener">http://www.talk4media.com/)</a>.