Episode 30: Joe Collins on How Coaches Can Tell Better Stories

College Recruiting Weekly Podcast show

Summary: At the core of every good recruiting campaign is a story. If we've worked with you as a coach, or done a workshop at your athletic department, you know the emphasis we put on telling a great story to your recruits. It's what gets them to make a decision to choose you over their other options. On today's episode, we talk to internationally respected story-telling coach Joe Collins. He works with companies to help them develop their stories and brands, creating more effective sales campaigns for the clients that rely upon him. Today, he applies those secrets to the challenging world of college sports recruiting. Download this podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher...AND, tell your fellow coaches to listen to the show and subscribe! Thanks, Coach. Oh and by the way, a coach asked me recently who the band is that we use for all of our music on the show. The band is called The Mob, and they were featured on Episode 23 (one of our most popular) when we talked to a rock-n-roll musician who had to leave the world of Top 40 hits and dive into a sales career. If you haven't listened to that one, go back and listen now. It's great! (And, enjoy the music...classic 1970's stuff!) www.dantudor.com P.S. Do you ever listen all the way to the very very very end of the podcast, after the music fades out?....