139: Maggie Dent on Mothering Our Boys (Part 1)

ON BOYS Podcast show

Summary: <a href="http://on-boys.blubrry.net/139-maggie-dent-on-mothering-our-boys-part-1/maggiedent_vertical_blue/" rel="attachment wp-att-789"></a>Maggie Dent<br> <br>  <br> <br> Please meet the marvelous Maggie Dent!<br> <br> Known in Australia as "the queen of common sense," Maggie is a teacher, counselor and dedicated BOY CHAMPION.<br> <br> She's a popular speaker, parenting educator and the author of 11 books, including the recently-released <a href="https://www.maggiedent.com/shop/books/mothering-our-boys/">Mothering Our Boys: A Guide for Mums of Sons. </a><br> <br> She's also a whole lotta fun! (Maggie's "Bear Pit" story is not-to-be-missed!) You'll laugh -- learn a lot about what boys really need from their parents.<br> <br> Some wisdom from Maggie:<br> Moms, be careful not to shatter your boys' dreams or fantastic plans with your words.<br> <br> It is helpful to explore why there is often a mismatch between what a mom thinks has happened, and what a boy thinks has happened.<br> <br> That whole perception that there is an inevitability to boys' behavior being bad is just the biggest fallacy out there that we must pull apart.<br> This special episode is the first-ever gathering of Maggie, Jen &amp; Janet, but it definitely won't be the last.<br> <br> <a href="http://on-boys.blubrry.net/139-maggie-dent-on-mothering-our-boys-part-1/jen-janet-magie-dent/" rel="attachment wp-att-793"></a><br> In this episode, Maggie, Janet &amp; Jen discuss:<br> <br> * Why boys are struggling in the Western world<br> * How the male code stifles boys<br> * Why shaming is so harmful to boys<br> * Societal changes within the past 30 years that have made life tougher for boys &amp; their families (including increased academic expectations &amp; the demise of free play)<br> * The importance of PLAY<br> * Male loneliness (and how to help boys build connections)<br> * How moms can nurture their boys<br> * The link between movement and learning<br> * How negative stereotypes about boys &amp; boy behavior affect how people view -- and treat -- boys<br> * What to do when boys muck up<br> <br> Links we mentioned (or should have) in Episode 139:<br> <a href="https://www.maggiedent.com/">maggiedent.com</a> -- Maggie's website. Jam-packed with resources!<br> <br> <a href="https://www.maggiedent.com/shop/books/mothering-our-boys/">Mothering Our Boys: A Guide for Mums of Sons</a> -- Maggie's latest book<br> <br> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHwXlcHcTHc">Stuart Brown: Play is More Than Fun</a> - TED talk<br> <br> We hope you also enjoy <a href="http://www.on-boys-podcast.com/140-maggie-dent-on-mothering-our-boys-part-2/">Part 2 of our conversation with Maggie Dent!</a> Don't miss it!