Marriott Breach: Was it a Nation State Attack?

CyberHub Engage Podcast show

Summary: CyberHub Engage host James Azar hosted Mr. Geoff Hancock a Senior Fellow at GW, International expert on cybersecurity and national security and Managing Partner at CyberHub Academy gives an inside of what happens in an organization during a breach - Today; we're discussing if Marriott should be deemed as a victim or should be held accountable for the largest breach post-GDPR, cost estimations at $1 Billion in damages by Marriott's CFO. How did it go on for so long without being detected? Was the breach so sophisticated, it went unrecognized? Or was it negligence? How does an organization even begin to address a crisis similar to the Marriott Breach? Geoff and James presented key takeaways for executives in the business arena to help prevent them from getting breached like Marriott. #Marriott #MarriottBreach #News Follow CyberHub Engage to stay up to date with cybersecurity news, trends, and the latest in the cybersecurity industry from practitioners and veterans. Website: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter: Instagram: