“THE FORGOTTEN MURDER OF BONNIE LEIGH SCOTT” and 4 More Strange True Stories! #WeirdDarkness

Weird Darkness show

Summary: “THE FORGOTTEN MURDER OF BONNIE LEIGH SCOTT” and 4 More Strange True Stories! #WeirdDarkness The story of Bonnie Leigh Scott is a forgotten Chicago tragedy. Bonnie vanished on September 22, 1956. That evening, around 6:30 p.m., she left the home where she lived in Addison, Illinois, and told her grandmother that she was going out to look for a blouse. Bonnie lived with her aunt and uncle, Mrs. Robert Schwolow; their daughter, Sue, 15; and Bonnie's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Doris Hitchins. Her parents were separated and in the midst of a divorce. Bonnie was an ordinary girl, a sophomore at York Community High School and a babysitter for many of the young children who lived in the quiet suburban community. The five-room, newly built ranch house where she lived was virtually identical to all the others on the street. Before the night of September 22, Bonnie never caused a problem, never drew much attention, and seemed like every other girl her age. But that night, she became a mystery. As the police began tracing her steps, assuming that she was a runaway, they managed to find four teenagers who saw her at a diner in Addison around 7:30 p.m. that night. She was also seen at a surplus store, located next door to the town's police station. After that, she had apparently vanished into thin air. IN THIS EPISODE: Did lost cosmonauts make it into space before Yuri Gagarin? *** Don't take a gift from Gracie Watson's grave... or her life-like statue might cry tears of blood. *** A latchkey kid comes home to an empty house… or so they thought until they heard footsteps in another room. *** People often encounter strange and frightening things when they experience sleep paralysis – but in one particular story, the horrors began well before going to bed. *** Did Bonnie Scott run away? Was she kidnapped? Murdered perhaps? All anyone knew was that no one had a clue where she was. She had simply disappeared without a trace. EMERGENCY HOTLINE NUMBERS… Depressed? Contemplating suicide?: 800-830-9804 Struggling with alcohol or drug addiction?: 800-831-1560 SUPPORT THE PODCAST... *Advertise your product/service on Weird Darkness; visit http://www.bgadgroup.com or call 770-874-3200.* WHAT WAS THAT COMMERCIAL I HEARD?: http://www.WeirdDarkness.com/sponsors WEIRD DARKNESS STORE at http://www.WeirdDarkness.com/store AUDIOBOOKS NARRATED BY DARREN at http://www.WeirdDarkness.com/audiobooks BECOME A PATRON at http://www.patreon.com/marlarhouse  JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP at https://www.facebook.com/groups/MarlarHouse/ STORY CREDITS AND/OR SOURCES… “The Tombs in Space” (posted at The Unredacted): http://ow.ly/nW5U30mwbWw “Gracie’s Ghost” by Gary Sweeney: http://ow.ly/arFz30mwaLc “The Murder of Bonnie Leigh Scott” by Troy Taylor: http://ow.ly/v6wX30mwbwW “The Laundry Room” submitted anonymously to WeirdDarkness.com “Sleep Paralysis in Bangkok” by MarkiO: http://ow.ly/FUOD30mwc0C WEIRD DARKNESS MUSIC PROVIDED BY Midnight Syndicate http://amzn.to/2BYCoXZ and Shadow’s Symphony http://www.facebook.com/shadowssymphony/ - all music used with permission. All rights reserved.  All other music provided by AudioBlocks.com with paid license. There is no copyright infringement intended for this episode and/or the material used for it. If you have an issue with Marlar House/Weird Darkness posting this, please contact us privately and we can sort it out. 1 John 3:8 = “...the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” *** “How can I be saved from darkness?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IYmodFKDaM