#002 How to Bug Out: Truth, Lies and Myths - with Creek Stewart Our Special Guest


Summary: Our Special Guest, Creek Stewart (the Master of Bug Out) Helps David and Craig: Unlock the Essentials, Debunk the Myths, Expose the Lies and Reveal the Truth About Bugging Out.  GRAB the SHOW / Survival Guide Notes HERE:  @ www.patreon.com/thesurvivalshow Find out about the crow (no, that isn’t a typo) that turned Creek from the life of an unhappy college pharmacy student, instead, to a life filled with embracing the art and skills of survival. You’ll learn some essential tips on being prepared in case of disaster, and the EASY way to build your bug out bag. You’ll hear some wild survival stories, and what the ONE thing is that each of those survivors WISHES they had done before disaster struck. PLUS, find out what one of the MOST forgotten, and yet, possibly one of the most IMPORTANT items is that YOU have probably forgotten to put in your own Bug-Out-Bag. AND...if you don’t have one yet, how to start your own basic Bug-Out-Bag TODAY!! Learn how, right now. TIMELINE 00:00 Introduction. 03:46 Creek Stewart’s story of becoming a survivalist. 09:55 Creek shares his secrets of success. 17:24 Creek drops a hint about his upcoming book. 24:40 Survival disasters can become lessons we learn from. 26:30 Real Life Story 27:39 Don’t over-analyze when disaster strikes. 30:15 What EVERYONE needs to know about Bug-Out. 36:40 Vital components YOU need  to be prepared for a disaster. 43:44 Action steps you can start with today. 49:30 Mail Bag Q&A. GRAB the SHOW / Survival Guide Notes HERE:  @ www.patreon.com/thesurvivalshow