E17: The Final Induction - The Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses

The Dawdler's Philosophy show

Summary: Ryan has kids. Kids have diseases and general poor hygiene. Thus, Ryan has diseases and sometimes poor hygiene. But he loves ‘em, those little rascals. In this episode, the Dawdlers explore this kind of parental affection, but for ideas. How much affection should we give to our brain children? The discussion centers around a little old paper that holds the key! And the key is as Harland says, “The Method”. In this case, it is the method of multiple working hypotheses. So drink plenty of fluids, get some rest, and prepare to have more children. Or get out of the business of decision making entirely. -The Dawds 00:05:07 - T.C. Chamberlin 00:11:44 - Working Hypotheses, Ruling Theories, & the Parent/Child Metaphor 00:25:40 - Multiple Working Hypotheses, Ethology v. Psychology 00:35:00 - Chamberlin's Geological Examples 00:43:50 - Ryan Loves Evolution & Punctuated Equilibria 00:59:36 - The Null Hypothesis 01:05:05 - The Aim of Science, Truth & The Noble Lie 01:23:23 - Fact & Interpretation & Measurement & Language 01:39:06 - The Paradox of Choice 01:48:30 - Single Child Households & the Masters of Ruling Theories