TFP BBQ History Ep. 82 - Roland Lindsey

Tales from the pits, a Texas BBQ podcast featuring trendsetters, leaders, and icons from the barbecue industry show

Summary: We've had the privilege to talk to many great people in the BBQ world, but the opportunity to talk to true BBQ trailblazers is rare. Roland Lindsey is one of those pioneers of Texas barbecue. A few months prior to his passing we were fortunate to be able to spend an afternoon with Roland at his original Bodacious Bar-B-Q location in Longview, opened in 1968. In this episode you'll hear about Roland's early days cooking at his dad's cafe in Duncanville, Texas as well as his cooking methods and the origins of the Bodacious Bar-B-Q restaurants. We also spoke with Roland about his relationship with Bewley pits and his understanding of pit technology which, like many things in Roland's career, was far ahead of its time. Roland was a true pioneer of so much and his influence in east and northeast Texas barbecue is undeniable. More important than his BBQ legacy is the impact Roland had on his friends, family, and community. His kindness and spirit was unmatched and his memory lives on in the countless lives he touched.