Becoming Your Spouse’s Best Friend | Part 2

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Understanding Your Spouses Perspective There is a choice we have to make in any relationship but especially in marriage, and that is choosing to understand the other person’s perspective. We are going to have very different outlooks on life. There are gender differences which will cause us to see things differently. We also have differences in personality as well as different communication styles. To further complicate the situation we tend to marry our opposite in these areas. Morning people marry night people, communicators marry non-communicators and introverts marry extroverts to name a few. God intentionally put us with people who are our opposite to smooth out the rough edges, allow us to be an effective team and be more well rounded and prepared then just one of us alone. So instead of getting annoyed that our spouse doesn’t do things the same way we do, we need to embrace it. Even take it a step further and try to see things from their perspective. Friends take the time to understand each other. The amazing thing is a lot of the ways we are opposite may not have been revealed until after we were married. Some call this God’s sense of humor but in reality it’s His brilliance. We get to spend a life time working to better understand the one He has given us. The relationship will only get stale and old if we give up the attempt to better understand and serve […]