Becoming Your Spouse’s Best Friend | Part 3

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Risking Who I Am There is an incredible focus today on self. We say words like self-esteem, self-worth, self-discovery and self-preservation. The problem is before marriage we have not really practiced the art of loosing oneself. We harp on this scenario a lot but 100 years ago a family meant sharing things; you shared toys, a room and possibly even a bed with siblings. The concepts of my own and selfishness were not what they are today. Children today have there own set of toys and many today don’t even understand the concept of sharing the family phone because everyone has their own cell phone. So if the sharing of things is rare this concept of sharing self is very foreign. As we talked about yesterday God has brought two very different people together with the purpose of making them become one. This means we have to give up this sense of self for this purpose. Ultimately sacrificing our wants, desires and even needs to put the other first. This is what becoming best friends looks like sacrificing self to gain becoming one. Â