#4: Q&A: What to do on days where you "feel fat"

Own it Babe show

Summary: Hey you! Thank you for joining me today in this Q&A podcast session. I decided to do this episode, because I get a lot of questions in my Instagram DM folder and E-mail inbox and a lot of them are very similar in nature. It makes sense, because when we go through challenges with food and our body, we tend to think we’re alone in all this, but we actually never are. Our journeys are usually more similar than we think. The Questions I answer" What do you do on days where you “feel fat”? (I am using quotes for a reason. Listen in, so you can understand the reason behind it) How do you avoid diet talk in your family and circle of friends? Do you have any advice on losing weight without getting obsessed with food? What was the first step you took in recovery as you transitioned from dieting to intuitive eating? How did you get over your fear of gaining weight in recovery once you stopped dieting/restricting food? Subscribe and Review Subscribing to this show will ensure that you never miss out on an episode that you have been waiting to hear more about, because I know that there will be a future episode where you’ll think: “YES, this is exactly what I’ve been struggling with / what I want to know more about!” Also, I want to know what you love about this Show and what you want to hear in future episodes. The best way to ensure I see your input is to leave a quick Rating and Review. Click here, select “Ratings and Reviews” and click “Write a Review”. It only takes a few seconds but will help this community out so much! Thank you for all your support and feedback so far! Links and Resources mentioned in this Episode Get access to my 3-day Coaching Work Book Bundle at https://ownitbabe.ca/3-days-of-intuitive-eating/ Lists of emotions: https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-worksheet/list-of-emotions http://thework.com/sites/thework/downloads/worksheets/Emotions_List_Ltr.pdf The Weight Set Point Theory: https://www.mirror-mirror.org/set.htm National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA): https://www.naafaonline.com/dev2/about/index.html More Information on Orthorexia: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/other/orthorexia