EP8: Healing & Re-birthing Your Inner Child -- With N'Deye, The Inner Child Doula

Spiritual Boss Babe with Stephanie Bellinger show

Summary: In todays episode, I have the pleasure to have N'Deye, The Inner Child Doula here with us!  N'Deye's magical power is to be able to connect with anyone's inner child and to help you integrate the light and power of your inner child through her transformative Inner Child Rebirthing Sessions, so you can heal to live the loving, blessed and fulfilled life you deserve, and become whole again - all without the chains of the past. The truth is that your Inner Child never left you - she's just waiting for you to look inside, heal and become the powerful woman you already are. Do you know why the work N'Deye does with Inner Child is called Inner Child Rebirthing and not Inner Child Healing? Because we are the ones who need healing. They (our inner children) can help us with that because they know better than anyone what it is that we need to heal. They are all-knowing, wise, perfect and when you tap into their immense light, wisdom, and power, the possibilities of healing, growth, and expansion become infinite for the adult we are, if we are ready to accept it. They are the change we have been waiting for and they are all about the NOW. N'Deye has always felt very connected to healing work, and is an Usui Reiki Master, an Akashic Record Master, Theta healing practitioner, an Angelic Reiki Practioner, a Munay-ki Shaman and Sound Healer etc... so her extensice background allows her to be able to really compare all the modalities and take the best of them.  They are all wonderful but nothing has made N'Deye as excited as her Inner Child work, because it does not involve reliving of trauma or revisiting the past, and she has never seen or felt anything as instant as working with her inner child.  N'Deye want everyone to be able to experience this amazing gift from spirit. Connect with N'Deye, and learn more about her work and services at the links below! Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/theinnerchilddoula/)⎮Twitter (https://twitter.com/innerchilddoula)⎮Rebirthing Your Inner Child Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/rebirthinginnerchild/)