6. Leigh Flounders of NZTech Shares His Pragmatic Approach to Raising Capital and Effective Communication for Startups

Crypto Titans Podcast - Interviews with Blockchain Industry Leaders, Cryptocurrency Insights and Trends for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, & Ripple show

Summary: The crypto space has recently been inundated with half-hatched startups underprepared for launch.  In today’s episode, Leigh Flounders describes how entrepreneurs need to focus their efforts to properly raise startup capital and satisfy investors.  As a board member at NZTech and Monthly Magazine’s 2017 CEO of the year, Leigh understands how to drive success by taking an honest and pragmatic approach to funding, product development, and community management.  To learn more about Leigh or connect, check out: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leigh-flounders-5aa35613/